Set the padding of all children of the element.
The dot (.) will set no value on the position.
Positions logic are: top, right, bottom, left.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock ChildMargin="1 . ."></NVBlock>
<div class="cmt-1"></div>
<NVBlock ChildMargin="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cm-1"></div>
<NVBlock ChildMargin="1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmy-1 cmx-2"></div>
<NVBlock ChildMargin="1 2 3"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmt-1 cmx-2 cmb-3"></div>
<NVBlock ChildMargin="1 2 3 4"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmt-1 cmr-2 cmb-3 cml-4"></div>
Set the padding of all children of the element.
The dot (.) will set no value on the position.
Positions logic are: top, right, bottom, left.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock ChildPadding="1 . ."></NVBlock>
<div class="cpt-1"></div>
<NVBlock ChildPadding="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cp-1"></div>
<NVBlock ChildPadding="1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="cpy-1 cpx-2"></div>
<NVBlock ChildPadding="1 2 3"></NVBlock>
<div class="cpt-1 cpx-2 cpb-3"></div>
<NVBlock ChildPadding="1 2 3 4"></NVBlock>
<div class="cpt-1 cpr-2 cpb-3 cpl-4"></div>
Add child margin bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CMB="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmb-1"></div>
Add child margin left class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CML="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cml-1"></div>
Add child margin right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CMR="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmr-1"></div>
Add child margin top class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CMT="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmt-1"></div>
Add child margin left and right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CMX="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmx-1"></div>
Add child margin top and bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CMY="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmy-1"></div>
Add child padding bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CPB="1">
<div>Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
<div class="cpb-1">
<div>Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
Add child padding left class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CPL="1">
<div>Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div class="cpl-1">
<div>Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding left of 4px</div>
Add child padding right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CPR="1">
<div>Child with padding right of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding right of 4px</div>
<div class="cpr-1">
<div>Child with padding right of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding right of 4px</div>
Add child padding top class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CPT="1">
<div>Child with padding top of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding top of 4px</div>
<div class="cpt-1">
<div>Child with padding top of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding top of 4px</div>
Add child padding left and right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CPX="1">
<div>Child with padding left and right of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding left and right of 4px</div>
<div class="cpx-1">
<div>Child with padding left and right of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding left and right of 4px</div>
Add child padding top and bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CPY="1">
<div>Child with padding top and bottom of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding top and bottom of 4px</div>
<div class="cpy-1">
<div>Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding left of 4px</div>
Add grand child margin bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCMB="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmb-1"></div>
Add grand child margin left class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCML="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcml-1"></div>
Add grand child margin right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCMR="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmr-1"></div>
Add grand child margin top class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCMT="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmt-1"></div>
Add grand child margin left and right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCMX="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmx-1"></div>
Add grand child margin top and bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCMY="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmy-1"></div>
Add grand child padding bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCPB="1">
<div>Grand Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
<div class="gcpb-1">
<div>Grand Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
Add grand child padding left class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCPL="1">
<div>Grand Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div class="gcpl-1">
<div>Grand Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding left of 4px</div>
Add grand child padding right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCPR="1">
<div>Grand Child with padding right of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding right of 4px</div>
<div class="gcpr-1">
<div>Grand Child with padding right of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding right of 4px</div>
Add grand child padding top class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCPT="1">
<div>Grand Child with padding top of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding top of 4px</div>
<div class="gcpt-1">
<div>Grand Child with padding top of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding top of 4px</div>
Add grand child padding left and right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCPX="1">
Grand Child with padding left and right of 4px
Grand Child with padding left and right of 4px
<div class="gcpx-1">
Grand Child with padding left and right of 4px
Grand Child with padding left and right of 4px
Add grand child padding top and bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCPY="1">
Grand Child with padding top and bottom of 4px
Grand Child with padding top and bottom of 4px
<div class="gcpy-1">
Grand Child with padding top and bottom of 4px
Grand Child with padding top and bottom of 4px
Set the margin of all children of children of the element.
The dot (.) will set no value on the position.
Positions logic are: top, right, bottom, left.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GrandChildMargin="1 . ."></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmt-1"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildMargin="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcm-1"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildMargin="1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmy-1 gcmx-2"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildMargin="1 2 3"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmt-1 gcmx-2 gcmb-3"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildMargin="1 2 3 4"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmt-1 gcmr-2 gcmb-3 gcml-4"></div>
Set the padding of all children of children of the element.
The dot (.) will set no value on the position.
positions logic are: top, right, bottom, left.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GrandChildPadding="1 . ."></NVBlock>
<div class="gcpt-1"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildPadding="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcp-1"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildPadding="1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcpy-1 gcpx-2"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildPadding="1 2 3"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcpt-1 gcpx-2 gcpb-3"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildPadding="1 2 3 4"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcpt-1 gcpr-2 gcpb-3 gcpl-4"></div>
Set the margin of the element.
The dot (.) will set no value on the position.
Positions logic are: top, right, bottom, left.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Margin="1 . ."></NVBlock>
<div class="mt-1"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="m-1"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="my-1 mx-2"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1 2 3"></NVBlock>
<div class="mt-1 mx-2 mb-3"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1 2 3 4"></NVBlock>
<div class="mt-1 mr-2 mb-3 ml-4"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1px . ."></NVBlock>
<div style="margin-top:1px;"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1px">
<div style="margin-top:1px;margin-right:1px;margin-bottom:1px;margin-left:1px;"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1px 2px"></NVBlock>
<div style="margin-top:1px;margin-right:2px;margin-bottom:1px;margin-left:2px;"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1px 2px 3px"></NVBlock>
<div style="margin-top:1px;margin-right:2px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left:2px;"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1px 2px 3px 4px"></NVBlock>
<div style="margin-top:1px;margin-right:2px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left:4px;"></div>
Add margin bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MB="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="mb-1"></div>
Add margin left class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock ML="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="ml-1"></div>
Add margin right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MR="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="mr-1"></div>
Add margin top class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MT="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="mt-1"></div>
Add margin left and right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MX="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="mx-1"></div>
Add margin top and bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MY="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="my-1"></div>
Set the padding of the element.
The dot (.) will set no value on the position.
Positions logic are: top, right, bottom, left.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Padding="1 . ."></NVBlock>
<div class="pt-1"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="p-1"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="py-1 px-2"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1 2 3"></NVBlock>
<div class="pt-1 px-2 pb-3"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1 2 3 4"></NVBlock>
<div class="pt-1 pr-2 pb-3 pl-4"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1px . ."></NVBlock>
<div style="padding-top:1px;"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1px">
<div style="padding-top:1px;padding-right:1px;padding-bottom:1px;padding-left:1px;"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1em 2px">
<div style="padding-top:1em;padding-right:2px;padding-bottom:1em;padding-left:2px;"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1% 2em 3px">
<div style="padding-top:1%;padding-right:2em;padding-bottom:3px;padding-left:2em;"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1px 2px 3px 4px">
<div style="padding-top:1px;padding-right:2px;padding-bottom:3px;padding-left:4px;"></div>
Add padding bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock PB="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="pb-1"></div>
Add padding left class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock PL="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="pl-1"></div>
Add padding right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock PR="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="pr-1"></div>
Add padding top class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock PT="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="pt-1"></div>