A lot of components use semantical colors to manage their theme such as Alert, Avatar, Badge, Button, Icon, ...
With these components, you don't need to manage the light or the dark theme for background, text or border color, it's automatically done with the semantic color chosen.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVStack Vertical Items="center" Gutter="3">
<NVButton Color="primary">button primary </NVButton>
<Nav Color="primary">
<NVLink Href="#" IsActive>link 1</NVLink>
<NVLink Href="#">link 2</NVLink>
<NVIcon Name="search" Medium Color="primary"/>
Sometimes you need to manage colors by your own, these are parameters available to control colors. When a color is set manually the color is set for both theme (light and dark). If a different color is needed in dark mode, use the same color parameter prefixed by Dark.
Set the color of the background.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock BackgroundColor="orange-50">orange 50</NVBlock>
<NVBlock BackgroundColor="orange-100">orange 100</NVBlock>
<NVBlock BackgroundColor="orange-200">orange 200</NVBlock>
<NVBlock BackgroundColor="orange-300">orange 300</NVBlock>
<NVBlock BackgroundColor="orange-400">orange 400</NVBlock>
<NVBlock BackgroundColor="orange-500">orange 500</NVBlock>
<NVBlock BackgroundColor="orange-600">orange 600</NVBlock>
<NVBlock BackgroundColor="orange-700">orange 700</NVBlock>
<NVBlock BackgroundColor="orange-800">orange 800</NVBlock>
<NVBlock BackgroundColor="orange-900">orange 900</NVBlock>
Set the Background Color of the element when active (eg: for Link or Button)
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVButton ActiveBackgroundColor="petrol-300">active background in petrol-300 </NVButton>
Set the Background Color of the element when hovered.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock HoverBackgroundColor="petrol-100">petrol-100</NVBlock>
Set the text color of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock TextColor="green-500">green-500</NVBlock>
<NVBlock TextColor="#F00">#F00</NVBlock>
Set the text color of the element when active.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVButton ActiveTextColor="green-100">green-100 </NVButton>
Set the text color of the element when hovered.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock HoverTextColor="green-100">green-100</NVBlock>
Set the border color of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Border BorderColor="green-500">green-500</NVBlock>
<NVBlock MT="3" Border BorderColor="#F00">#F00</NVBlock>
Set the border color of the element when active.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVButton Color="neutral" ActiveBorderColor="green-100">green-300 </NVButton>
Set the border color of the element when hovered.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Border HoverBorderColor="green-100">green-100</NVBlock>
Sometimes you need to manage dark colors by your own, these are parameters available to control colors in dark mode. (for light theme parameters look at the color foundation.)
Set the color of the background.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock DarkBackgroundColor="orange-50">orange 50</NVBlock>
<NVBlock DarkBackgroundColor="orange-100">orange 100</NVBlock>
<NVBlock DarkBackgroundColor="orange-200">orange 200</NVBlock>
<NVBlock DarkBackgroundColor="orange-300">orange 300</NVBlock>
<NVBlock DarkBackgroundColor="orange-400">orange 400</NVBlock>
<NVBlock DarkBackgroundColor="orange-500">orange 500</NVBlock>
<NVBlock DarkBackgroundColor="orange-600">orange 600</NVBlock>
<NVBlock DarkBackgroundColor="orange-700">orange 700</NVBlock>
<NVBlock DarkBackgroundColor="orange-800">orange 800</NVBlock>
<NVBlock DarkBackgroundColor="orange-900">orange 900</NVBlock>
Set the Background Color of the element when active (eg: for Link or Button)
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVButton DarkActiveBackgroundColor="petrol-300">active background in petrol-300 </NVButton>
Set the Background Color of the element when hovered.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock DarkHoverBackgroundColor="petrol-100">petrol-100</NVBlock>
Set the text color of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock DarkTextColor="green-500">green-500</NVBlock>
<NVBlock DarkTextColor="#F00">#F00</NVBlock>
Set the text color of the element when active.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVButton DarkActiveTextColor="green-100">green-100 </NVButton>
Set the text color of the element when hovered.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock DarkHoverTextColor="green-100">green-100</NVBlock>
Set the border color of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Border DarkBorderColor="green-500">green-500</NVBlock>