The NVBaseComponent class is the Base class inherited by almost every components of Elia Design.
Add a class to the component.
Parameter Name | Type |
className | string |
Add a style to the component.
Parameter Name | Type |
style | string |
Generate attributes Dictionary based on passed Parameters.
Parameter Name | Type |
component | string |
avoidClasses | string[] |
avoidStyles | string[] |
avoidAttributes | string[] |
Return type
Dictionary<string, object>
@inherits Nova.Components.NVBaseComponent;
<div @attributes=@Attributes(_componentClass, new string [] {"Color"})>
@code {
private string _componentClass = "my-new-component";
public bool Small { get; set; }
public bool Loading { get; set; }
public override async Task SetParametersAsync(ParameterView parameters) {
await base.SetParametersAsync(parameters);
AddClass(DomClass.Loading(Loading, _componentClass));
AddClass(DomClass.Small(Small, _componentClass));
string[] colorTint = ColorUtils.GetColorTint(Color?.ToLower() ?? "orange-500");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextColor)) {
AddClass(DomClass.TextColor(colorTint[0], 600));
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(BackgroundColor)) {
AddClass(DomClass.BackgroundColor(colorTint[0], 100));
<div class="my-new-component ...classFromParameters" style="...styleFromParameters" ...attrFromParameters ></div>
Add the effect class when the element has an :active pseudo class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVButton ActiveEffect="@ActiveEffect.UP"> </NVButton>
<button class="nv-btn effect-up"></button>
Add the attribute alt to img element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Tag="img" Alt="Alternate text"></NVBlock>
<img alt="Alternate text" />
Set the Background Color to the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock BackgroundColor="orange-500"></NVBlock>
<div class="bg-orange-500"></div>
<NVBlock BackgroundColor="#FF0000"></NVBlock>
<div style="background-color:#FF0000;"></div>
Set the Background Color to the element when active.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVButton ActiveBackgroundColor="orange-500"> </NVButton>
<div class="nv-btn active:bg-orange-500"></div>
Set the Background Color to the element when hovered.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock HoverBackgroundColor="orange-500"></NVBlock>
<div class="hover:bg-orange-500"></div>
Set the border color to the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock BorderColor="orange-500"></NVBlock>
<div class="border-orange-500"></div>
<NVButton BorderColor="#FF0000"> </NVButton>
<div style="border-color:#FF0000;"></div>
Set the border color to the element when active.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock ActiveBorderColor="orange-500"></NVBlock>
<div class="active:border-orange-500"></div>
Set the border color to the element when hovered.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock HoverBorderColor="orange-500"></NVBlock>
<div class="hover:border-orange-500"></div>
Set border radius of an element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock BorderRadius="sm"></NVBlock>
<div class="rounded-sm"></div>
<NVBlock BorderRadius="t-sm"></NVBlock>
<div class="rounded-t-sm"></div>
<NVBlock BorderRadius="tl-sm br-sm"></NVBlock>
<div class="rounded-tl-sm rounded-br-sm"></div>
<NVBlock BorderRadius="base"></NVBlock>
<div class="rounded"></div>
<NVBlock BorderRadius="2px"></NVBlock>
<div style="border-top-left-radius: 2px; border-top-right-radius: 2px;border-bottom-right-radius: 2px; border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;"></div>
<NVBlock BorderRadius="2px 4px">
<div style="border-top-left-radius: 2px; border-top-right-radius: 4px;border-bottom-right-radius: 2px; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;"></div>
<NVBlock BorderRadius="4px . . ."></NVBlock>
<div style="border-top-left-radius: 4px;"></div>
<NVBlock BorderRadius=". . . 4px"></NVBlock>
<div style="border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;"></div>
Use the logic of Padding/Margin for the position of the borders.
The dot (.) will omit value on the corresponding position (top, left, right or bottom).
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock BorderWidth="0 ."></NVBlock>
<div class="border-t-0 border-b-0"></div>
<NVBlock BorderWidth="0 1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="border-t-0 border-r border-b-2 border-l"></div>
<NVBlock BorderWidth="1 2 4 8"></NVBlock>
<div class="border-t border-r-2 border-b-4 border-l-8"></div>
<NVBlock BorderWidth="1 2 . 8"></NVBlock>
<div class="border-t border-r-2 border-l-8"></div>
Set the bottom position of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Bottom="0"></NVBlock>
<div style="bottom:0;"></div>
Default RenderFragment for children.
Type | Default Value |
RenderFragment | null |
<NVBlock Class="child-content"></NVBlock>
<div class="child-content"></div>
Set the padding of all children of the element.
The dot (.) will set no value on the position.
Positions logic are: top, right, bottom, left.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock ChildMargin="1 . ."></NVBlock>
<div class="cmt-1"></div>
<NVBlock ChildMargin="1"></NVBlock>
<NVBlock ChildMargin="1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmy-1 cmx-2"></div>
<NVBlock ChildMargin="1 2 3"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmt-1 cmx-2 cmb-3"></div>
<NVBlock ChildMargin="1 2 3 4"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmt-1 cmr-2 cmb-3 cml-4"></div>
Set the padding of all children of the element.
The dot (.) will set no value on the position.
Positions logic are: top, right, bottom, left.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock ChildPadding="1 . ."></NVBlock>
<div class="cpt-1"></div>
<NVBlock ChildPadding="1"></NVBlock>
<NVBlock ChildPadding="1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="cpy-1 cpx-2"></div>
<NVBlock ChildPadding="1 2 3"></NVBlock>
<div class="cpt-1 cpx-2 cpb-3"></div>
<NVBlock ChildPadding="1 2 3 4"></NVBlock>
<div class="cpt-1 cpr-2 cpb-3 cpl-4"></div>
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Class="sample"></NVBlock>
<div class="sample"></div>
Shortcut for ChildMargin.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
Add child margin bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CMB="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmb-1"></div>
Add child margin left class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CML="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cml-1"></div>
Add child margin right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CMR="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmr-1"></div>
Add child margin top class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CMT="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmt-1"></div>
Add child margin left and right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CMX="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmx-1"></div>
Add child margin top and bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CMY="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cmy-1"></div>
Contextual color depending of the component.
By default act as a BackgroundColor parameter.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVButton Color="orange-500"> </NVButton>
<button class="nv-btn nv-btn-md nv-btn-level-1 orange-500"></button>
<NVButton Color="#F00"> </NVButton>
<button class="nv-btn nv-btn-md nv-btn-level-1 neutral" style="background-color: #F00"></button>
Add the class to specify that the component is a column and has a specific size.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock ColSize="2"></NVBlock>
<div class="nv-col w-2/12"></div>
Utilities for controlling how rows are positioned in multi-row flex and grid containers.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Content="@Content.START"></NVBlock>
<div class="content-start"></div>
<NVBlock Content="@Content.END"></NVBlock>
<div class="content-end"></div>
Shortcut for ChildPadding.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
Add child padding bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CPB="1">
<div>Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
<div class="cpb-1">
<div>Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
Add child padding left class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CPL="1">
<div>Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div class="cpl-1">
<div>Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding left of 4px</div>
Add child padding right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CPR="1">
<div>Child with padding right of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding right of 4px</div>
<div class="cpr-1">
<div>Child with padding right of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding right of 4px</div>
Add child padding top class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CPT="1">
<div>Child with padding top of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding top of 4px</div>
<div class="cpt-1">
<div>Child with padding top of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding top of 4px</div>
Add child padding left and right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CPX="1">
<div>Child with padding left and right of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding left and right of 4px</div>
<div class="cpx-1">
<div>Child with padding left and right of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding left and right of 4px</div>
Add child padding top and bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock CPY="1">
<div>Child with padding top and bottom of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding top and bottom of 4px</div>
<div class="cpy-1">
<div>Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div>Child with padding left of 4px</div>
Dictionary used to add a class when the bool value of a key is true.
Type | Default Value |
Dictionary<string, bool> | null |
<NVBlock DicClass="@(new Dictionary<string, bool>() {
{"border", true},
{"border-gray-200", true},
{"app-sidebar-close", false},
<div class="border border-gray-200"></div>
Utilities for controlling the direction of the flex container.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Direction="@Direction.ROW"></NVBlock>
<div class="flex-row"></div>
<NVBlock Direction="@Direction.COLUMN_REVERSE"></NVBlock>
<div class="flex-col-reverse"></div>
Add the attribute disabled.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<NVButton Disabled> </NVButton>
<button disabled></button>
<NVBlock Tag="input" Disabled></NVBlock>
<NVBlock Disabled></NVBlock>
Set the display of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Display="@Display.HIDDEN"></NVBlock>
<div class="hidden"></div>
<NVBlock Display="@Display.BLOCK"></NVBlock>
<div class="block"></div>
<NVBlock Display="@Display.INLINE"></NVBlock>
<div class="inline"></div>
Set a font-size to the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock FontSize="16px"></NVBlock>
<div style="font-size:16px;"></div>
Set the text alignment of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock FontWeight="@FontWeight.NORMAL"></NVBlock>
<div class="font-normal"></div>
<NVBlock FontWeight="@FontWeight.MEDIUM"></NVBlock>
<div class="font-medium"></div>
<NVBlock FontWeight="FontWeight.BOLD"></NVBlock>
<div class="font-bold"></div>
Shortcut for GrandChildMargin.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
Add grand child margin bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCMB="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmb-1"></div>
Add grand child margin left class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCML="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcml-1"></div>
Add grand child margin right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCMR="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmr-1"></div>
Add grand child margin top class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCMT="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmt-1"></div>
Add grand child margin left and right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCMX="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmx-1"></div>
Add grand child margin top and bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCMY="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmy-1"></div>
Shortcut for GrandChildPadding.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
Add grand child padding bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCPB="1">
<div>Grand Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
<div class="gcpb-1">
<div>Grand Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding bottom of 4px</div>
Add grand child padding left class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCPL="1">
<div>Grand Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div class="gcpl-1">
<div>Grand Child with padding left of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding left of 4px</div>
Add grand child padding right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCPR="1">
<div>Grand Child with padding right of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding right of 4px</div>
<div class="gcpr-1">
<div>Grand Child with padding right of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding right of 4px</div>
Add grand child padding top class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCPT="1">
<div>Grand Child with padding top of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding top of 4px</div>
<div class="gcpt-1">
<div>Grand Child with padding top of 4px</div>
<div>Grand Child with padding top of 4px</div>
Add grand child padding left and right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCPX="1">
Grand Child with padding left and right of 4px
Grand Child with padding left and right of 4px
<div class="gcpx-1">
Grand Child with padding left and right of 4px
Grand Child with padding left and right of 4px
Add grand child padding top and bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GCPY="1">
Grand Child with padding top and bottom of 4px
Grand Child with padding top and bottom of 4px
<div class="gcpy-1">
Grand Child with padding top and bottom of 4px
Grand Child with padding top and bottom of 4px
Set the margin of all children of children of the element.
The dot (.) will set no value on the position.
Positions logic are: top, right, bottom, left.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GrandChildMargin="1 . ."></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmt-1"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildMargin="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcm-1"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildMargin="1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmy-1 gcmx-2"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildMargin="1 2 3"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmt-1 gcmx-2 gcmb-3"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildMargin="1 2 3 4"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcmt-1 gcmr-2 gcmb-3 gcml-4"></div>
Set the padding of all children of children of the element.
The dot (.) will set no value on the position.
positions logic are: top, right, bottom, left.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GrandChildPadding="1 . ."></NVBlock>
<div class="gcpt-1"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildPadding="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcp-1"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildPadding="1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcpy-1 gcpx-2"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildPadding="1 2 3"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcpt-1 gcpx-2 gcpb-3"></div>
<NVBlock GrandChildPadding="1 2 3 4"></NVBlock>
<div class="gcpt-1 gcpr-2 gcpb-3 gcpl-4"></div>
Set the growing of an element in a flex container.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Grow="0"></NVBlock>
<div class="flex-grow-0"></div>
<NVBlock Grow="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="flex-grow"></div>
Set margin on x axe between children elements.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GutterX="2"></NVBlock>
<div class="gutter-x-2"></div>
Set margin on y axe between children elements.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock GutterY="2"></NVBlock>
<div class="gutter-y-2"></div>
Add height in the inline style of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Height="100px"></NVBlock>
<div style="height:100px;"></div>
<NVBlock Height="50%"></NVBlock>
<div style="height:50%;"></div>
<NVBlock Height="50vh"></NVBlock>
<div style="height:50vh;"></div>
Add the class to specify that the element get a height of 100%.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<NVBlock HFull></NVBlock>
<div class="h-full"></div>
Add the hover class to get default behavior of hovered background theme class.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<NVBlock Color="orange-500" Hover></NVBlock>
<div class="bg-orange-500 hover"></div>
Add the attribute href to link element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Tag="a" Href=""></NVBlock>
<a href=""></a>
<NVBlock Href=""></NVBlock>
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Id="sample"></NVBlock>
Add the class to specify that the element has 'is-active' class.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<NVBlock IsActive></NVBlock>
<div class="is-active"></div>
Add the class to specify that the element has 'is-selected' class.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<NVBlock IsSelected></NVBlock>
<div class="is-selected"></div>
Utilities for controlling how flex and grid items are positioned along a container's cross axis.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Items="@Items.START"></NVBlock>
<div class="items-start"></div>
<NVBlock Items="@Items.END"></NVBlock>
<div class="items-end"></div>
Utilities for controlling how flex and grid items are positioned along a container's main axis.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Justify="@Justify.START"></NVBlock>
<div class="justify-start"></div>
<NVBlock Justify="@Justify.END"></NVBlock>
<div class="justify-end"></div>
Utilities for controlling how an individual grid item is aligned along its inline axis.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock JustifySelf="@JustifySelf.START"></NVBlock>
<div class="justify-self-start"></div>
<NVBlock JustifySelf="@JustifySelf.END"></NVBlock>
<div class="justify-self-end"></div>
Set the left position of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Left="0"></NVBlock>
<div style="left:0;"></div>
LG parameters apply specified parameters when the screen has the large breakpoint width.
(lg breakpoint: between 1024px and above),
Type | Default Value |
object | null |
Add linear-gradient in the inline style of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock LinearGradient="to bottom, red 20%, blue 70%">
<div style="linear-gradient:to bottom, red 20%, blue 70%;"></div>
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
Set the margin of the element.
The dot (.) will set no value on the position.
Positions logic are: top, right, bottom, left.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Margin="1 . ."></NVBlock>
<NVBlock Margin="1"></NVBlock>
<NVBlock Margin="1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="my-1 mx-2"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1 2 3"></NVBlock>
<div class="mt-1 mx-2 mb-3"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1 2 3 4"></NVBlock>
<div class="mt-1 mr-2 mb-3 ml-4"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1px . ."></NVBlock>
<div style="margin-top:1px;"></div>
<div style="margin-top:1px;margin-right:1px;margin-bottom:1px;margin-left:1px;"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1px 2px"></NVBlock>
<div style="margin-top:1px;margin-right:2px;margin-bottom:1px;margin-left:2px;"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1px 2px 3px"></NVBlock>
<div style="margin-top:1px;margin-right:2px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left:2px;"></div>
<NVBlock Margin="1px 2px 3px 4px"></NVBlock>
<div style="margin-top:1px;margin-right:2px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left:4px;"></div>
Add max-height in the inline style of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MaxHeight="100px"></NVBlock>
<div style="max-height:100px;"></div>
<NVBlock MaxHeight="50%"></NVBlock>
<div style="max-height:50%;"></div>
<NVBlock MaxHeight="50vh"></NVBlock>
<div style="max-height:50vh;"></div>
Add max-width in the inline style of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MaxWidth="100px"></NVBlock>
<div style="max-width:100px;"></div>
<NVBlock MaxWidth="50%"></NVBlock>
<div style="max-width:50%;"></div>
<NVBlock MaxWidth="50vw"></NVBlock>
<div style="max-width:50vw;"></div>
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MB="1"></NVBlock>
MD parameters apply specified parameters when the screen has the medium breakpoint width.
(md breakpoint: between 768px and above),
Type | Default Value |
object | null |
Add min-height in the inline style of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MinHeight="100px"></NVBlock>
<div style="min-height:100px;"></div>
<NVBlock MinHeight="50%"></NVBlock>
<div style="min-height:50%;"></div>
<NVBlock MinHeight="50vh"></NVBlock>
<div style="min-height:50vh;"></div>
Add min-width in the inline style of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MinWidth="100px"></NVBlock>
<div style="min-width:100px;"></div>
<NVBlock MinWidth="50%"></NVBlock>
<div style="min-width:50%;"></div>
<NVBlock MinWidth="50vw"></NVBlock>
<div style="min-width:50vw;"></div>
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock ML="1"></NVBlock>
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MR="1"></NVBlock>
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MT="1"></NVBlock>
Add margin left and right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MX="1"></NVBlock>
Add margin top and bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock MY="1"></NVBlock>
Add a focus event callback when the element is blurred.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<FocusEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock Tag="input" OnBlur="OnBlur"></NVBlock>
Add a change event callback when the input value is changed.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<ChangeEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock Tag="input" OnChange="@OnChange"></NVBlock>
Add a mouse event callback when element is clicked.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock OnClick="@OnClick"></NVBlock>
Add a focus event callback when the element is focused.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<FocusEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock Tag="input" OnFocus="@OnFocus"></NVBlock>
Add a keyboard event callback when the a keyboard key is down.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<KeyboardEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock Tag="input" OnKeyDown="@OnKeyDown"></NVBlock>
Add a keyboard event callback when the a keyboard key is press.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<KeyboardEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock Tag="input" OnKeyPress="@OnKeyPress"></NVBlock>
Add a keyboard event callback when the a keyboard key is released.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<KeyboardEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock Tag="input" OnKeyUp="@OnKeyUp">
Add a mouse event callback when the mouse is clicked down on the element.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock OnMouseDown="@OnMouseDown"></NVBlock>
Add a mouse event callback when the mouse enter over the element.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock OnMouseEnter="@OnMouseEnter"></NVBlock>
Add a mouse event callback when the mouse leave from the element.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock OnMouseLeave="@OnMouseLeave"></NVBlock>
Add a mouse event callback when the mouse move within element.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock OnMouseMove="@OnMouseMove"></NVBlock>
Add a mouse event callback when the mouse is out the element.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock OnMouseOut="@OnMouseOut"></NVBlock>
Add a mouse event callback when the mouse is over the element.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock OnMouseOver="@OnMouseOver"></NVBlock>
Add a mouse event callback when the mouse is clicked up on the element.
Type | Default Value |
EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> | null |
<NVBlock OnMouseUp="@OnMouseUp"></NVBlock>
Set the opacity of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Opacity="0"></NVBlock>
<div class="opacity-0"></div>
Set a font-size and a line-height to the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Overflow="@Overflow.AUTO"></NVBlock>
<div class="overflow-auto"></div>
<NVBlock Overflow="@($"Overflow.HIDDEN Overflow.AUTO")">
<div class="overflow-x-hiden overflow-y-auto">
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
Define a specific padding on children of the elements.
If the value is set to 1, the y padding value is set to 1 and the x padding is set to 2.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Pad="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cpy-1 cpx-2"></div>
Define a specific padding on children of the elements.
If the value is set to 1, the y padding value is set to 1 and the x padding is set to 2.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Pad="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="cpy-1 cpx-2"></div>
Set the padding of the element.
The dot (.) will set no value on the position.
Positions logic are: top, right, bottom, left.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Padding="1 . ."></NVBlock>
<NVBlock Padding="1"></NVBlock>
<NVBlock Padding="1 2"></NVBlock>
<div class="py-1 px-2"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1 2 3"></NVBlock>
<div class="pt-1 px-2 pb-3"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1 2 3 4"></NVBlock>
<div class="pt-1 pr-2 pb-3 pl-4"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1px . ."></NVBlock>
<div style="padding-top:1px;"></div>
<div style="padding-top:1px;padding-right:1px;padding-bottom:1px;padding-left:1px;"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1em 2px">
<div style="padding-top:1em;padding-right:2px;padding-bottom:1em;padding-left:2px;"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1% 2em 3px">
<div style="padding-top:1%;padding-right:2em;padding-bottom:3px;padding-left:2em;"></div>
<NVBlock Padding="1px 2px 3px 4px">
<div style="padding-top:1px;padding-right:2px;padding-bottom:3px;padding-left:4px;"></div>
Add padding bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock PB="1"></NVBlock>
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock PL="1"></NVBlock>
Set the display of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Position="@Position.RELATIVE"></NVBlock>
<div class="relative"></div>
<NVBlock Position="@Position.ABSOLUTE"></NVBlock>
<div class="absolute"></div>
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock PR="1"></NVBlock>
Remove the preventDefault action of the event.
You can preventDefault multiple events by entering a string composed of event names separated by a white space.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVButton PreventDefault="onclick" OnClick="@OnClick">button </NVButton>
<NVFieldText PreventDefault="onkeydown onkeyup" OnKeyDown="@OnKeyDown" OnKeyUp="@OnKeyUp" />
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock PT="1"></NVBlock>
Add padding left and right class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock PX="1"></NVBlock>
Add padding top and bottom class.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock PY="1"></NVBlock>
Set the right position of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Right="0"></NVBlock>
<div style="right:0;"></div>
Add the class to specify that the component is a row.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<div class="nv-row"></div>
Utilities for controlling how an individual flex or grid item is positioned along its container's cross axis.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Self="@Self.AUTO"></NVBlock>
<div class="self-auto"></div>
<NVBlock Self="@Self.START"></NVBlock>
<div class="self-start"></div>
Action that set the ElementReference of the component.
Sometimes it's useful to get the reference of the html element to manipulate it by javascript.
Type | Default Value |
Action<ElementReference> | null |
<NVBlock SetRef="@OnSetRef"></NVBlock>
void OnSetRef(ElementReference r)
<ParentComponent ChildRef="ForwardRef">
<NVBlock SetRef="@OnSetRef"></NVBlock>
public ForwardRef ForwardRef { get; set; } = new ForwardRef();
void OnSetRef(ElementReference r)
ForwardRef.Current = r;
Set the Shrinking of an element in a flex container.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Shrink="0"></NVBlock>
<div class="flex-shrink-0"></div>
<NVBlock Shrink="1"></NVBlock>
<div class="flex-shrink"></div>
SM parameters apply specified parameters when the screen has the small breakpoint width.
(sm breakpoint: between 640px and above)
Type | Default Value |
object | null |
Add the attribute src to img element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Tag="img" Src=""></NVBlock>
<img src="" />
Add the class to specify that the component is a stack.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<div class="nv-stack"></div>
Add the class to specify that all children of the component are flexible.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<div class="nv-stack stack-flex"></div>
Add the class to specify that the element within a stack is flexible.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<NVBlock StackItemFlex />
<div class="nv-stack-item-flex"></div>
Add the class to specify that the element within a stack is the lead.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<NVBlock StackItemLead />
<div class="nv-stack-item-lead"></div>
Add the class to specify that the element within a stack is the tail.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<NVBlock StackItemTail />
<div class="nv-stack-item-tail"></div>
Add the class to specify that the component is a vertical stack.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<NVBlock StackVertical />
<div class="nv-stack nv-stack-vertical"></div>
Remove the propagation of an event.
You can remove propagation of multiple events by entering a string composed of event names separated by a white space.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVButton StopPropagation="onclick" OnClick="@OnClick">button </NVButton>
<NVFieldText StopPropagation="onmouseleave onmouseenter" OnMouseEnter="@OnMouseEnter" OnMouseLeave="@OnMouseLeave" />
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Style="font-weight:bold;"></NVBlock>
<div style="font-weight:bold;"></div>
Apply the tag value on the component.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Tag="a"></NVBlock>
<NVBlock Tag="strong"></NVBlock>
Add the attribute target to link element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Tag="a" Target="_target"></NVBlock>
<NVBlock Target="_target"></NVBlock>
Set the text alignment of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock TextAlign="@TextAlign.CENTER"></NVBlock>
<div class="center"></div>
<NVBlock TextAlign="@TextAlign.LEFT"></NVBlock>
Set the text color to the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock TextColor="orange-500"></NVBlock>
<div class="text-orange-500"></div>
<NVBlock TextColor="#FF0000"></NVBlock>
<div style="color:#FF0000;"></div>
Set the text color to the element when active.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVButton ActiveTextColor="orange-500"> </NVButton>
<button class="nv-btn active:text-orange-500"></button>
Set the text color to the element when hovered.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Hover="orange-500"></NVBlock>
<div class="hover:text-orange-500"></div>
Set a font-size and a line-height to the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock TextSize="@TextSize.SM"></NVBlock>
<div class="text-sm"></div>
Add the attribute title to link element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Tag="a" Title="title"></NVBlock>
<NVBlock Title="title"></NVBlock>
Set the top position of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Top="0"></NVBlock>
<div style="top:0;"></div>
Set the vertical alignment of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock VerticalAlign="@VerticalAlign.BASELINE"></NVBlock>
<div class="align-baseline"></div>
<NVBlock VerticalAlign="@VerticalAlign.MIDDLE"></NVBlock>
<div class="align-middle"></div>
Add the class to specify that the element get a width of 100%.
Type | Default Value |
bool | false |
<NVBlock WFull></NVBlock>
<div class="w-full"></div>
Set the white spacing of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock WhiteSpace="@WhiteSpace.NOWRAP"></NVBlock>
<div class="whitespace-nowrap"></div>
Add width in the inline style of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Width="100px"></NVBlock>
<div style="width:100px;"></div>
<NVBlock Width="50%"></NVBlock>
<div style="width:50%;"></div>
<NVBlock Width="50vw"></NVBlock>
<div style="width:50vw;"></div>
Set the wrapping of a flex container.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock Wrap="@Wrap.WRAP"></NVBlock>
<div class="flex-wrap"></div>
<NVBlock Wrap="@Wrap.NOWRAP"></NVBlock>
<div class="flex-nowrap"></div>
<NVBlock Wrap="@Wrap.REVERSE"></NVBlock>
<div class="flex-wrap-reverse"></div>
XL parameters apply specified parameters when the screen has the extra large breakpoint width.
(xl breakpoint: between 1280px and above),
Type | Default Value |
object | null |
XL2 parameters apply specified parameters when the screen has the double extra large breakpoint width.
(2xl breakpoint: between 1536px and above),
Type | Default Value |
object | null |
Set the z-index of the element.
Type | Default Value |
string | null |
<NVBlock ZIndex="0"></NVBlock>
<div style="z-index:0;"></div>